Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Corporate Yoga

I'm still participating in (now coordinating) the weekly yoga class that my company offers through YogaWorks. I've been labeled the "yoga queen" by many of my coworkers who have been attending the class since I've done yoga for several years and most of them are beginners. Some have asked me for additional help, so I suggested that we add an informal Monday morning class (not company sponsored) where we can follow a DVD and I can help with problem poses. This turned into a "let's have Tierney lead a class" instead. So, while I know a thing or two about yoga, and I've helped people one-on-one, I've never actually led a class before. Luckily, it's a smaller group so it's not so intimidating. I have an idea of how I'd like to structure it, but I'm definitely not so big on the flowery new-age talk that many yoga instructors use. However, I think my group won't mind that so much, and they'll appreciate my straight-forward approach. I'm looking forward to testing my instructing skills, and it will be great to have the additional yoga practice in my schedule. We may add a Friday class if things go well.

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